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Social Selections @ Business
Business Executives Utilizing Social Networks
3,481,984+ Total File $105/M
Phones +$65/M
Email Also Available

The Social Selections @ Business database is made up of business executives utilizing social networking sites to maintain relationships with colleagues, vendors, professional peers, friends and family. They are on the cutting edge of online media vehicles, looking to web sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter for information about people in their "social network". These tech-savvy individuals use the Internet on a regular basis and are looking for the fastest way to share news and most convenient way to keep in touch.

These men and women stay connected to their peers via leading social networks by logging in their favorites online spots at work, at home and even from their mobile devices. They enjoy the new-age way of communicating and the convenience of staying in touch with corporate and personal contemporaries. These individuals are quick to follow the latest trends in social media and share information that they think is useful regarding technology services and more, which makes them a highly receptive audience to many B2B products, reports and other offers.

Selects Available:
701,165+ Facebook Users
215,844+ Facebook Users with 1-99 Friends
137,740+ Facebook Users with 100-500 Friends
338,516+ Facebook Users with 501+ Friends

2,007,848+ LinkedIn Users
1,140,300+ LinkedIn Users with 1-49 Connections
339,156+ LinkedIn Users with 50-99 Connections
277,792+ LinkedIn Users with 100-199 Connections
124,924+ LinkedIn Users with 200-500 Connections
109,016+ LinkedIn Users with 501+ Connections

260,028+ Twitter Users
180,256+ Twitter Users with 1-49 Followers
14,596+ Twitter Users with 50-99 Followers
65,184+ Twitter Users with 100+ Followers

521,968+ Pandora Users

Use this List for:
Business to Business Products and Services, Training & Certification Offers, Software/Hardware Upgrades, Books, Networking Products, Communication Products, Technology Products & Services, Electronics and Gadgets, Magazines, Newsletters, Conferences, Seminars and more!

Source: Internet
Updated: Monthly
Employee Size$15/M
Title/Job Function$15/M
1 per Company$10/M
Rush Fee (Less Than 48 Hours)$200/F
Zip Tape Setup$50/F
Sample mailing piece required
All Rentals are for a one time usage only. Re-uses must be submitted for clearance prior to mailings
When an order has been guaranteed the reuse is automatically guaranteed.
Cancellation Charges:
A $50 Flat Fee incurred on canceled orders. This fee is in addition to any applicable run charge 12.50/m, and processing fees. Orders canceled after mail date are due in full.
5,000 name minimum qty. per order

For more information on any
of our lists contact us at:
(561) 393-8200
or email us at:

3000 N. Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33431-6321